Malo Dental All-On-4 By Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic

Malo Dental All-on-4TM by bangkok smile dental clinic

Time to kiss the denture goodbye. With All-on-4TM technology, get a new set of teeth within 24 Hrs.

What is an All on 4 dental Treatment?

All On 4 is a revolutionary dental treatment solution for patients who are missing all of their teeth, or are about to lose them.
The treatment was developed by Dr. Paulo Malo in 1995, also known as Dr. Paulo Malo All on 4 Protocol. This treatment has become so popular over the last two decades that is now the treatment solution of choice for edentulous patients.
The treatment consists of placing only 4 dental implants per jaw, in strategic positions to support a full set of teeth. The teeth are fixed to the implants and can only be removed by a dentist. This fixed bridge gives patients the ability to have a strong bite, eat comfortably while achieve great esthetic results all in just 24 hours, without the need for bone grafting, nerve repositioning and at a fraction of the cost compared to the traditional full jaw implants. By eliminating the need for bone grafting (Graft less Option), patients, not only save time and cost compared to traditional bone grafting procedures, but also have a much more predictable outcomes and can have a brand new set of teeth in just 24 hours.

What is Dr. Malo Paulo ALL ON 4 Protocol?

As the original developer of All On 4 dental treatment concept, Dr. Paulo Malo has developed a series of treatment protocols since 1995 to improve the quality and predictability this treatment. The treatment protocol has evolved over the years from the strong research and development department and evaluation of millions of treatment performed in the last two decades by all type of clinicians globally.
The treatment continues to evolve and Dr. Paulo Malo global dental network offers the latest technique and implant designs to patients who are seeking a permanent fixed solution in oral rehabilitation.

Why Patients Must Consider Being Treated Only at Dr. Paulo Malo's Dental Network Clinic?

Dr. Paulo Malo Global Dental Network dentists have been trained, tested and supervised directly by Dr. Paulo Malo and his clinical faculty team of residential training programs in Europe. In addition to this extensive training, Dr. Paulo Malo faculty spend several months every year to update and oversee Dr. Paulo Malo Network Dentists to ensure the latest treatment protocols are being followed while measuring the success rate of each case.


Unfortunately, many other clinics that claim to be an expert in All On 4, they have only spent a weekend at a seminar to get an overview of this complex treatment. Yet, they reduce their fees and substitute dental implant brands to further reduce cost to attract patients so they can gain additional experience in this complex and life changing treatment solution.

When you visit a network office from Dr. Malo Paulo, you are insured that you are receiving the most trained professionals in offering All On 4 treatment. Bangkok Smile is the only official partner clinic with Dr. Paulo Malo in Thailand.

What is Dr. Paulo Malo's All On 4 Treatment Protocol?

Dr. Paulo Malo's All on 4 treatment protocol is a collection of different treatment protocols that has been developed since 1995 to aid patients who are missing teeth, have lose teeth or have very little or no bone left to be able to receive a full jaw set of teeth and be able to eat, function and smile properly. Even though the surgical aspect of this treatment may vary slightly based on the available bone for each patient, the prosthetic aspect remains generally, the same. All On 4 Dr. Paulo Malo's acrylic bridge is fabricated within 24 hours of surgical placement of dental implants and is inserted and fixed on to the dental implants.

Success Rate
Malo Dental All-on-4TM Protocol


According to the study published by JADA, The official journal of American Dental Association, the success rate among 245 patients studied over a 10-year period from 2001-2011 was 94.8% for dental implants and 99.2% for dental prosthesis.

This treatment protocol is now the latest treatment recommendation from Dr. Paulo Malo and at Bangkok Smile Clinic, it is covered under Dr. Paulo Malo's international patient guarantee program.

Questions you must ask about ALL ON 4

Questions you must ask before an ALL ON 4 or any dental Implant treatment Other CLINICS Dr Paulo Malo global dental network in Thailand
Do you offer 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 1 month, 2 month and 3 month follow up included in the original fee at my home country? *For Australia residents No YES
Are you part of the Malo Dental No YES
Are you using exclusive Nobel Biocare, the originally designed dental implant specifically for ALL ON 4 by Dr. Paulo MALO No We only use Nobel Biocare due to the specific design requirement
Do you provide me the certificate of authenticity and the serial numbers for all of dental implants used in my mouth? Some do Some DONT YES
Who manufactures my dental prosthesis (Bridge)? Non Malo Dental certified Lab All Dental bridges are fabricated by Malo Dental in-house ISO 9001 Dental laboratory
Are your dental technician certified by Malo Dental in manufacturing ALL ON 4 Prosthesis? No YES
How many months of full time training have you received directly from Malo Dental? Short Course Training full time Initial Training Direct with Dr Paulo Malo
Would I be able to have my desired shape, shade and style of teeth for my ALL ON 4? N/A Dr Paulo Malo All on 4TM protocol offers 12 styles of teeth with more than 26 shades of teeth to choose from
Would I have a dedicated VIP team to look after me? YES
Do you offer payment options? YES

All On 4 Offered by Other Clinics

All On 4 Offered by Other Clinics

A large number of dental clinics promote All On 4 treatment while they only have attended weekend seminars on this complex subject. They often offer reduced fees to attract patients to practice what they have learned at these seminars and many times, they promote other implant systems to justify the reduced fees. However, many of these implant systems are not part of the original Dr. Paulo Malo's protocol and have lack of enough history and research to support them.

The All On 4 success rate since 1995, is based on following Dr. Paulo Malo's protocol and Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic is the only clinic in Thailand that offers All On 4 based on the original Dr. Paulo Malo's protocol. Why would you want to risk your treatment with unproven All On 4 treatment?

ALL ON 4 based on Dr. Paulo Malo Treatment Standards

This treatment option is similar to the previous option in terms of Dr. Paulo Malo's surgical protocol but differs in the prosthetic aspect as it is based on only one set of teeth that is reinforced with a metal framework. This treatment is limited to only certain clinical cases and is not recommended by Dr. Paulo Malo as patients can exert excessive pressure on their bridge while they are healing. This option is not covered by the Dr. Paulo Malo's International Patient Guarantee Program but is covered locally at Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic, Thailand.

Patients who opt for this treatment, they can have their teeth within 3-5 days after the surgery and they would require additional relining of the bridge after the initial healing is completed. To learn more, if you are a candidate, please contact us.

13 Benefits of Dr. Paulo Malo's ALL ON 4TM

  • 1. Fixed and Non Removable teeth in just 24 hours
  • 2. Latest Malo Dental research protocol
  • 3. Two Set of teeth ( A provisional and a final )
  • 4. Minimally invasive surgery with only 4 implants
  • 5. No Bone grafting ( No additional time needed for healing and no additional cost )
  • 6. Can begin eating immediately
  • 7. Can chew hard food after healing
  • 8. Stops Jaw Bone Resorption
  • 9. No Sore gums
  • 10. Easy to clean and maintain
  • 11. Beautiful and natural looking teeth
  • 12. No palatal coverage on the top jaw
  • 13. Food tastes better

Implant Over-Dentures with 4 Dental Implants

Implant Over-Dentures with 4 Dental Implants
  • Provides Stability compared to conventional Dentures
  • Cost less than an All-On-4
  • A good transitional treatment to ALL-on-4 (Only for economical reasons but will cost more on long-term)
  • Removable not permanently Fixed
  • Treatment time takes longer- Immediate Loading not possible
  • On-going maintenance cost for attachment replacements and relines
  • Can cause soreness
  • Food impaction
  • Jaw bone continues to resorb where no implants are located
  • Cannot chew hard food

Conventional Dentures

Conventional Dentures
  • Fast
  • Cheap
  • Unnatural
  • Bulky
  • Palatal coverage on the top
  • Moves
  • Causes Sore gums
  • Responsible for jaw Bone Resorption
  • Cannot chew hard food
  • Affects social life and intimacy

A word of advice:

If you have lost your teeth or are about to lose them, you are probably considering various different treatment options. If money was not an issue, everyone, would want the best treatment option such as the Dr. Paulo Malo's All On 4 Protocol as it offers the best treatment solution that mimics the natural teeth in terms of esthetic and function, However, many patients do have a limited budget and sometimes price becomes the only differentiating factor. It is important to remind our patients that the least expensive treatment is the one that is done the correctly first time around. We encourage you to fully examine all your treatment options and discuss them with us. You may come across advertisements of dentists who claim they are trained or they can do the ALL On 4 Dental treatment for less cost by using a different type of dental implant than the original Dr. Paulo Malo's dental protocol. It is important to realize that a weekend training is not same as a full surgical and prosthodontic residency program and thousands of successful cases that have been completed by Bangkok Smile together with Dr. Paulo Malo's Dental Network since 2005. Also, dental implants that are less expensive have not been proved to be a success as the original Dr. Paulo Malo's standard dental implants used since 2003 and specially designed for this procedure is Nobel Biocare dental implants.

Because, we know price is important, we have streamlined our operation and use Dr. Paulo Malo Global Dental Network’s buying power to reduce our fees to a highly affordable price without compromising on our quality, the type of dental implants that we use and manufacturing the dental prosthesis at our onsite certified dental laboratory. We also continue to work with different payment plan companies such as TLC (Australian Residents) to make this treatment as affordable as possible.

Dental Implants and Accessories

Change Currency
Dental Implant
All-On-4™ with MALO Technique Immediate-Loading in 24 hours
✔ World-class implants trusted by worldwide range
✔ 5-Year guarantee for dental implants
✔ Full acrylic dental bridge on 4 dental implants (guaranteed for 6 months)
✔ Available worldwide
Dental Implant
(Cost Per Jaw)
Dental Implant
All-On-4™ with MALO Technique (Immediate-Loading in 24 hours)
✔ 5-Year guarantee for dental implants
✔ Full acrylic dental bridge on 4 dental implants (guaranteed for 6 months)
✔ Available in around 75 countries
Dental Implant neobiotech
(Cost Per Jaw)
Dental Implant
2 Zygoma™ Implants with MALO Technique
✔ Immediate Loading in 24 hours
✔ 2 Zygoma and 2 Dental Implants for severe bone loss of the upper posterior
✔ All Composite Teeth on 4 dental implants
(By Request)
Dental Implant
4 Zygoma™ Implants with MALO Technique
✔ Immediate-Loading in 24 hours
✔ 4 Zygoma Implants for severe bone loss of the upper posterior
✔ All Composite Teeth on 4 dental implants
(By Request)

Dental Bangkok, Dentist Bangkok