Dr. Paulo Malo’s Protocol All-on-4™

Dr. Paulo Malo’s Protocol All-on-4™ is a revolutionary oral rehabilitation dental procedure developed by our partner, Dr. Paulo Malo, a European dentist, and Nobel Biocare®, the #1 dental implant company in the world. This revolutionary and unparalleled concept of restoring an entire jaw with only 4 dental implants was invented in 1993 and it has since become the leading choice for patients who are either edentulous, have loose/ill-fitting dentures, or patients who have hopeless teeth.
What Patients Need to Know About Dr Paulo Malo ALL ON 4 protocol?
This is a series of evolving treatment solutions developed by Dr. Paulo Malo over the last two decades and this is the largest R&D in the world when it comes to this treatment and continues to evolve the treatment as well as the implant design to increase treatment success rate. Unless a clinic is in a Dr Paulo Malo global dental network, they may not have access to the latest techniques for this revolutionary treatment concept where patients end up with a very strong set of fixed teeth with excellent esthetic result.

With the big support of Dr Paulo Malo, our dentists have been trained, tested and supervised by him and his clinical faculty team of residential training programs in Europe. In addition to this extensive training, Dr Paulo Malo spends several months every year to update and oversee his network dentists to ensure the latest treatment protocols are being followed while measuring the success rate of each case.

Unfortunately, many other clinics that claim to be an expert in All On 4 or claim they have received training with Dr Paulo Malo, they have only spent a weekend at a seminar to get an overview of this complex treatment. Yet, they reduce their fees and substitute dental implant brands to further reduce cost to attract patients so they can gain additional experience in this complex and life changing treatment solution.
When you visit our office, you are insured that you are receiving the most trained professionals in offering All On 4 treatment. Our dental clinics in Bangkok and Phuket are the only official partner clinic with Dr Paulo Malo global dental network in Thailand.