Achieving excellent results with NobeIGuide™ And NobelProcera™
Dr Annette Felderhoff/Dr Andrea schnur, DDS
Dental X GmbH & Co. KG, Mun1ch1 Germany
Treating a patient is teamwork. Several players have to collaborate.
Case diagnostics and treatment planning starting with conventional clinical and prosthetic diagnostic procedures, resulting in a wax up.
As a result of the diagnostic procedures, clinically evaluated wax-ups are transformed into a radiographic guide for each jaw. Digitization folaows the double scan technique
Through NobelGuide planning NobelSpeedy implants are virtually placed - upper jaw: implants on the right, 3 on the left side.
A need for sinus floor augmentation is identified on both sides, lower jaw: implants each at both sites. The plan is transferred to a ready to use surgical
Upper left side: minimal invasive access through tissue punch, Guided mplant site preparation (surgical template). Bone condensation with dedicated tooling (osteotomes, internal sinus floor elevation). Guided lmplant insemion, healing abutments.
Upper right side: external access for external sinus floor evation. Flap elevation through guided surgery predictable and stable insertion of implants even in the measured bone quality 3 and 4. Cover screws, bone grafting and sealing with a resorbable mewbrane, submerged healing, tight suturing.
OPG after conventional healig time of 4 months. Second stage surgery upper right implants impression taking and facilitateabrication of master wodels.
Wax up in the articulator for NobelProcera
(Following initial waxup).
All considerations taken during the NobelGuide planning facilitate the design of the NobelProcera framework design.
Try in of final NobelProcera zirconia framework.
Case diagnostics and treatment planning starting with conventional clinical and prosthetic diagnostic procedures, resulting in a wax up.