NobelGuide™ - one solution for all indications
NobelGuide supports all indications from pamial singie to multiple teeth missing to fully edentulous situations.
Surgical templates do even more than guide implants
Using the surgical template to create a stone model with implants already in-place before surgery enables the dental technician to create a provisional
(or long-term) prosthetic solution before surgery. If immediate loading is part of the desired and selected treatment plan, the patient will benefit
right after surgery from an immediate implant-supported restoration.
When immediate loading is not part of the treatment plan, the implants are left to heal conventionlly and will be restored on the basis of a new impression. In this situation, the full range of Nobel Biocare's standardized assomment as well as the individualized NobelProcera prosthetic solutions can be used.
lntegrated supply chain
NobelGuide provides access to the entire Nobel Biocare assortment through the built-in order manager. This enables treatment specific surgical and
lab components to be ordered simultaneously with the surgical template.
Pre-fabricating a master cast for optimal prosthetic options.