Considerations during software planning
- Screenshots on pages 18 and 19 were taken during the planning workflow for a fully edenulous case and display the initial X-ray diagnostics, as well as the prosthetic driven planning.
- NobelGuide™ planning takes into consideration the patient's boney anatomy including the orientation, quality and relation of the alveolar bone towards to the future prosthetic crowns. Virtual implant planning visualizes and evaluates the planned result against restorability. Since all information is clearly visible before immediate decisions have to be taken, expert opinions from other team members can be included into the plan.
- Regardless if immediate temporization is part of the treatment, the implants will be optimally placed for prosthetics. Being pre-planned, high quality results and more efficient treatments are possible.
Prosthetic driven planning
- Benefits
- - The decision of the treating team was to plan six implants in the fully edentulous maxillal allowing for immediate restoration with a pre-fabricated screw-retained provisional.
- Planning output
- - Mucosa/anchor pin supported surgical template. Secured with 3 anchor pins.
- Treatment approach
- - Minimally invasive, flapless guided surgery for safe and precise implant insertion.
- - Implant supported 10-unit all-acrylic provisional on Guided Abutments (screw retained).
- - After healing and second stage surgery (implant positions located with the surgical template) impression based (screw-retained) provisional.
- - After healing, impression-based NobelProcera® Implant Bridge Titanium, resin, veneered.