Single tooth Dental Implant - various systems
(ITI-Straumann / USA,Nobel Biocare / USA,BioHorizon, Zimmer, Osstem)
25,000 - 40,000
surgical part per tooth
(Not including the implant abutment and the porcelain crown. See the price below.)
758 - 1,213 |
962 - 1,539 |
1,087 - 1,740 |
Immediate Dental Implant
(1 trip implant) 
(promotion from 45,000)
surgical part per tooth
(Not including the implant abutment and the porcelain crown. See the price below.)
1,212 |
1,539 |
1,740 |
Implant Abutment + Porcelain
Crown on Implant
25,000 - 35,000 |
758 - 1,061 |
962 - 1,347 |
1,087 - 1,522 |
All-On-4 ™ 
- Immediate loading
- All teeth on 4 dental implants
- All included price for 1 jaw
(upper or lower)
330,000 - 350,000 |
10,000 - 106,06 |
12,693 - 13,462 |
14,348 - 15,218 |
Fix-bridges over 5 implants 
- Immediate loading
-All teeth on 5 dental implants
- All included price for 1 jaw
(upper or lower)
390,000 |
11,820 |
15,000 |
16,957 |
Fix-bridges over 6 implants
- Immediate loading
-All teeth on 6 dental implants
- All included price for 1 jaw
(upper or lower)
430,000 |
13,030 |
16,539 |
18,696 |
Teeth-in-An-Hour™ (Nobel Biocare / USA)
- Immediate Function /
1 trip implant
(only 7-10 days)
- No bone grafting required
- All included price for
1 jaw
(upper or lower)
500,000 - 580,000 |
15,152 - 17,576 |
19,231 - 22,308 |
21,740 - 25,218 |
Zygoma Implants™
- 1 trip / long implants with 12 metal-composite implant bridges
- Immediate Function Implant
- All included price for upper jaw |
580,000 |
17,576 |
22,308 |
25,218 |
NobelGuide 3D Computerized surgical stent for multiple implant
- definite price depends on the number of dental implants and type of surgical stent. |
20,000 - 50,000 |
606 - 1,515 |
770 - 1,923 |
870 - 2,174 |
4 implants and
10 porcelain bridges
(ITI-Straumann/USA,Biohorizon, Zimmer, Osstem)
- All included price for implants and bridges
330,000 - 380,000
We will collect ONLY the cost of surgery part (approx. 60-70% of the total cost) during surgery. The remained amount will be paid next time. |
10,000 - 11,515 |
12,693 - 14,616 |
14,348 - 16,522 |
6 implants and
10 porcelain bridges
Zimmer, Osstem)
- All included price for implants
and bridges
We will collect ONLY the cost of surgery part (approx. 60-70% of the total cost) during surgery. The remained amount will be paid next time. |
12,727 - 14,242 |
16,154 - 18,077 |
18,261 - 20,435 |
2 Dental Implants + Overdenture
Biohorizon, Zimmer, Osstem)
- All included price for implants
and denture
We will collect ONLY the cost of surgery part (approx. 60-70% of the total cost) during surgery. The remained amount will be paid next time. |
5,152 |
6,539 |
7,392 |
4 implants + overdenture
(ITI-Staumann/USA, Biohorizon,
Zimmer, Osstem)
- All included price for implants and denture
We will collect ONLY the cost of surgery part (approx. 60-70% of the total cost) during surgery. The remained amount will be paid next time. |
8,485 |
10,770 |
12,174 |